Disk Operating System (DOS)
CP/M written by Gary Kidall from Digital Research dominates the market.
- In 1979, Tim Patterson developed Q DOS (Quick and Dirty Operating System)
- Microsoft bought the rights to Q DOS for $50,000 keeping the IBM deal a secret from seattle Computer Products.
- Microsoft made slight changes to Q DOS and then presented ” Microsoft Disk Operating System” or MS-DOS to IBM.
- IBM Pc was announced in August 1981,with version 1.0 of MS-DOS.
- More than 50 other hardware manufacturers also used DOS, after IBM selected MS-DOS.
- DOS was a command interface and it was not case sensitive (CAPS).
- File names can be no longer than eight characters and extension, which is optional, can be up to three characters long.
- No Spaces or other illegal characters (` ‘ [ ] | < > + = ; , * ? ) can be used in the file name or extension.
- The File name and extension are separated by a period, or ” dot . ” and this naming system is know as the “eight dot three” (written as “8.3″) system.
- Examples of DOS filenames= word.exe , system.ini , Animal eater.doc
- DOS cannot support more than two floppy drives and are assigned drive letters A: and B:
- Hard drives start with the letter C: and can continue to Z: if necessary.
- DOS uses a hierarchical directory tree to organize the contents of these drives.
- DOS operating system is composed of three main files IO.SYS , MS DOS.SYS and COMMAND.COm
- IO.SYS handles all the talking to the BIOS and hardware.
- IO= Input Output
- SYS= System
- MS DOS. SYS is the primary DOS code, often called the kernel.
- COMMAND.COM actually interprets commands typed into the computer and passes that information to MS DOS.SYS . It is also called the shell or command interpreter.
- IO.SYS It is a system file it loads itself into the machine and then checks the Input Output System configuration.
- MS DOS.SYS = It is a system file and an actual DOS Code.
- COMMAND.COM . It is a command line file it holds all the commands used in DOS.
There are two types of command in DOS.
* Internal And External Commands
* Internal doesnot harm the system
* External Commands Changes the System.
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