Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Software and Data

Software and Data:-

Software is a set of instructions that tells the computer step-by-step how to perform a particular task.There are two types of software in use : Operating or System software and Application software:

1.Operating system (OS) or system sofware:-
Operating system or system software tells the computer how to use its own components.It is a set of permanent instructions for getting the computer started.It allows the computer to identify the devices attached to it,memory available etc.before the actual work starts.
Examples of Operating software are: Microsoft Windows,Unix,Linux.
2.Application software:-
Application software is a software which makes the computer useful for the people.The programs which help people to do specific tasks are known as application software.These softwares have been written to do almost every imaginable task.
Examples of application software are: Microsoft’s MS Office,Adobe’s Photoshop,Graphics,Multimedia and presentation applications.
Data means individual facts or unprocessed information.Data is raw material that can be given as input to the computer for processing to convert it into a useful information.Data consist of texts,numbers,sounds,video,images.Text and numbers
are called simple data while sounds and video are called complex data.

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